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TPages PC/Windows









TPages Crack

TPages lets you easily format your text reports by using a series of properties on the TText objects. The properties include settings for the alignment of all your text, the indentation of text that wraps onto multiple pages, the horizontal and vertical spacing of text, line spacing and line spacing and the font type. All this is encapsulated into the form of properties on the TText object, which makes it easy to apply any new text formatting to any old data. This allows you to quickly create visually banded reports.
TPages include:
■ a sample source report provided which is designed to demonstrate the use of TText formatting features.
■ the TPagesVCL sample program, which demonstrates the use of TText and TPages.
■ a printer version of the TPagesVCL sample program. You can open the TPagesPrinter form directly from the sample source document and you can also specify printer-specific options via a TPrinterOptions form and hand-edit the TPagesPrinter.prt file directly.
■ a set of VCL/Samples custom Sample Data available for download, which contains 30 sample reports and a set of 30 reports using TPages.
■ Easy to use Help files and the TPages vcl unit.
The unit includes a TPagesForm control component, which lets you quickly create a form for your reports.
■ TPagesVCL.pas provides the TText and TPages component classes as a base for any custom class to inherit from. It also defines a TBaseTextArray class which makes use of a generic record to store the values of each text object in an array. A copy of this array is stored on each text object, which means that text formatting objects can be edited even if their parent text array is not editable. By overriding the Paint method of the TBaseTextArray, TPages support is provided for many of the standard text painting scenarios, including: painting buttons and check boxes, heading lines, font colour and type, strings, for lines, and bold and italicized font effects.
■ Support is provided for a standard InkFormatter_TPages ink canvas and ink rendering.
■ Support is provided for a standard PaintDocument_TPages ink canvas and ink rendering.
■ Support is provided for a standard PageFormatter_TPages ink canvas and ink rendering.
■ TPages also supports an ink rendering of

TPages Crack + Free

TPages 2022 Crack was the first self-contained component written for Delphi XE for.Net.
TPages allows you to easily and automatically design reports formatted for print.
What I don’t like about TPages is:
1. It does not support Tabstops
2. It does not support “Page Header, Footer, Column Headers, and Row Headers”.
3. It does not appear to support “Single Line, Half Line, and Double Line Spacing”.
4. It requires a reference to mxdde.lib to be included in your project.
5. It does not appear to support bounding boxes.
TPages is a 1-up tool for Delphi XE that allows you to easily and automatically design reports formatted for print and then gets the job done.
Bonus XPages Page Background Color
Added a new color property (BackgroundColor) to TPages that allows you to change the page background color.
Use this property to set the color of the “background” of the page and is available when using “Print” by clicking on the “PrintPreview” button.
There are currently 3 values:
■ None: white background with no tint
■ Gray: gray-colored background
■ Black: black-colored background
One example of using TPages with the “BackgroundColor” property.

The below example is also posted on BustedTees with a comments from Brett that this was a very small speed increase. If you are using the below, then you may want to switch to this method.


unit Unit1;


SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls,
ExtCtrls, Printers, DelphiABC, Classes, SysUtils,
DSiWin, IdIntercept, Classes, Graphics,

TForm1 = class(TForm)
PrinterListBox: TListBox;
BitmapListBox: TListBox;
PageListBox: TListBox;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure PrintPage(PageNum: Integer);
{ Private declarations }
procedure PrintImage(PrintDocument

TPages Serial Key X64

TPages is a user interface-rich component for the report display and print
report generation application.
■ Free Pascal or Borland Pascal
■ Delphi 3 / Delphi 4 / Delphi 5 / Delphi 6 / Delphi 7
TPages Description:
TPages is a visual component for the reporting
Multiple alignment options –

– can be set either with the UseLeft, UseRight or UseCentered property. If there
is a bitmap component set in the component, then the same property can be set.
■ UseLeftAlignedText, UseRightAlignedText or UseJustifiedText can be set to define the
alignment of text.
■ UseCenterAlignedText can be set to define the alignment of text.
■ UseLeft or Right can be set to align the columns either to the left or to the right
of the border depending on the setting of UseLeft or UseRight.
■ UseCentered can be set to align the columns in the center of the border
depending on the setting of UseCenter or UseCenterAlignedText.
■ Alignment can be set to center, left, right or justified.
■ UseTabstops can be used to define gaps in the text.
■ If UseTabstops is set, then tabs will be printed with the actual tabstop point.
■ UseTabstops is the default setting and can be omitted.
■ Text can be set to print either in the center of the page, in the left margin,
center of the page and left, right or justified. If borderless is set to true, then
text will not print in the margin.
■ UseBorders can be used to set a column for printing borders. Borders are only
printed for components with borderless set to true.
■ useBorders can be set to true to print borders.
■ UseCenter or UseCenterAlignedText can be set to center the text vertically,
horizontally or vertically and horizontally. If this is set to true, then the text
will either center or align to the center of the border.
■ UseSingleLine, UseDoubleLine or UseHalfLine can be used to define the
line spacing.
■ Use

What’s New in the TPages?

■ a unit that provides a common framework for the creation of simple, non-interactive reports with a specific set of features
■ Supports a set of simple, non-interactive interfaces in non-Visual Basic using Delphi’s “native” components.
■ No effort is made to provide any sort of industry-standard report format – it’s up to the programmer to invent the form of the report, interactivity
with the report, and/or data flow.
■ No error handling
■ No use of “experimental” features
If you are looking for something to complement delphi 5, look no more – TPages is your solution. A simple set of interfaces that provide
essential functionality to a simple, non-interactive, “report-like” interface.
If you are wanting to create visually designed, banded, dataset aware reports then TPages is not for you.
Here are some key features of “TPages”:
■ Text either wrapped between page margins, output in defined columns or output at specific offsets.
■ Multiple alignment options –
■ left, right and justified in non-columned text
■ left, right and currency in columned text
■ Tab characters and tabstops
■ Multi-line page headers, footers and column headers
■ Multiple fonts
■ Angled text
■ Single, line & half, and double line spacing
■ Methods for printing bitmaps, lines, boxes and arrows
■ Page renumbering
■ Text ‘groups’ to prevent blocks of text spanning across pages
■ Designed around a TScrollbox descendant preview window with: mouse click zoom control; keyboard handling of lineup, linedown, pageup and pagedown scrolling; mouse wheel scrolling.
■ This package is designed for easy use and a fast turnaround when working with datasets – using the same steps or procedures as the delphi 5 Text
editing system with simple forms, easily changed objects, and no worry about being able to enter a format such as:
“Left margin 12
“Page number 2”
which, if entered as a single line is not formatted at all.
In summary, TPages is designed to provide a common framework for the creation of simple, non-

System Requirements For TPages:

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
Memory: 1 GB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 2.0 GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
Processor: Intel i5, Core i3 or AMD Phenom X3 CPU
Memory: 4 GB

