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This is one of the most sensitive (and debatable) questions to ask yourself when you’re deciding whether or not to have sex with a stranger. As always, opinions are split — there are pro-and-con groups on both sides. The general consensus? It depends — but there are certainly benefits and drawbacks when you do it, whether it’s safe sex, or just sex in general. OkCupid How Sex Really Works How Does Casual Sex Work? The people for whom casual sex is a regular thing would explain it in different ways. Some think it’s a disease that comes with age, and that older people have a certain biology that has to be taken care of; you could call them the safety schools. Others assume that it’s sex that has been faked out of them in the long process of dating, which they make every effort to avoid; these are the chastity schools. A third group thinks casual sex is always disrespectful and the shittiest reason for sex at all. They would say that sex between an older person and a younger person is a sign that one of them is emotionally involved and not just looking for a good time. Think of all those movies where the older man gets off on the idea of “cheating” on his wife — that’s the kind of thing that this group identifies with. The final group probably considers casual sex some flavor-of-the-week that’s only popular because society is less traditional. We know how they pick, and they’re very different. We’ve laid the scorecard out for you here. This way of thinking might get better over time. Many experts agree that the negative effects of casual sex die down over time, and the idea of a “slippery slope” is an extreme exaggeration. But you really can’t tell until you’ve had some experience with the thing, and what does seem to matter is that you’re practicing safe sex. It’s impossible to know how to proceed with casual sex without knowing what you have to work with. To be clear, the people who are mostly against casual sex are against it because they think it’s unprofessional and bawdy, not because they think it’s likely to lead to negative consequences for a person’s health. So they don’t think that doctors who give STDs to their patients are violating their Hippocratic Oath — although they do think that doctors who give STDs to patients without their consent and then call them victims of their sexual victimization violates that same code. That’s just a big difference
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Don’t rush into hooking up. If you’re already physical with someone, take your time — just because it’s “casual” doesn’t mean that either of you are ready. “Try to get the most honest sense of your intentions,” says Gershon Wolf, a psychotherapist and addiction specialist in Portland, Oregon. “If you feel like you want something serious, that’s okay. Don’t confuse that with feeling like you’re actually in a long-term relationship.” If you keep hearing the word, “casual,” then it might be time to call it quits — and if this person’s feelings don’t line up with yours (also important to remember!), the casual hookup is really an inappropriate relationship. While on the casual hookup “lifestyle,” there’s a lot to consider — safety, boundaries, sex, emotions, fears of becoming attached, and health issues. Relationship counseling for the mentally ill. If you’re having a hard time controlling your sex drive, it might be because you’re having some emotional issues. A new app for controlling your libido is Ginkgo, which targets specific relationships you want to “cool down.” Just choose the type of women you want to “cool down” with, and the app will find them for you, suggest social events where you could meet up, and tell you when it’s time to move on. “The algorithmic approach to romance isn’t new,” co-founder Soha Khebab told us. “We use technology for sexual health and ethics,” she added, explaining the benefits of her app. Get off the couch and find casual sex. Now, the research on casual sex and long-term consequences, despite what we’ve read here about social science research in a time when science has been subjected to quite a lot of feminist backlash, is that there are risks to casual sex. And those risks are related to the quality of the hookup, and aren’t social science-speak for “anonymous, or forced hookups don’t last forever.” “The key is establishing a sense of safety and trust. Ideally, there should be a limit to how much time you spend with that person,” says Leslie Bernstein, M.D., a women’s health expert in New York City. It’s also important to make sure that the person you’re doing it with isn’t cheating on you, and that they’re not creating an online profile and pursuing you without having sex with you first. As Bernstein points out,

