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DYNGO is a small, easy to use tool designed to offer users a similar browsing functionality to the official GO browsing tool, AmiGO. It is extended from a tree browser called dynTreeViewer. DYNGO also allows users to load a list of entities and retrieve the corresponding GO annotations.
It enables users to retrieve gene or gene products that hold similar annotations. The retrieved result is shown in a tree organized according to GO hierarchies, and the tree can be mainpulated dynamically by sorting and changing orientation. DYNGO can aslo be used for MicroArray data analysis using GO annotations and for other applications.







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DYNGO is a Java plug-in for Cytoscape. It is used for browsing the Gene Ontology using a simplified tree-based interface.
Starting from a set of gene IDs, the user can browse the gene products of interest by using the official AmiGO tree browser to select a list of GO terms, and it will be shown whether the gene products have been annotated with each term (or have any ancestor) or not.
The tree structure is based on the three main aspects of the Gene Ontology: cell component, molecular function and biological process. Therefore, the user can navigate through the hierarchies by choosing one of the three aspects, and the output will be the same for all three aspects. As DYNGO requires a description for each GO term in the tree, the output will be different between each aspect.
DYNGO can be used for large scale analysis of gene annotation or can be used in a small-scale to retrieve or display specific GO terms or branches.
Due to the dynamic nature of the tree, the user can add/remove nodes or select which branches to be displayed.
DYNGO offers the following functionalities:
* Create Lists from Entities
Create a list of each entity (from a node or from an external list) by navigating the hierarchy
* Select one or more entities
Select all the entities in the list by dragging the mouse or by pressing the left mouse button
* Sort the list
Sort the entities according to specific criteria
* Change the orientation of the tree
Change the orientation of the tree in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction
* Display the tree to a specific node
Display the nodes to one specific entity in the tree
* Display the tree to all the entities in the list
Display the nodes to all the entities in the tree
The supported tree layouts include a simple tree, a circle tree, a horizontal tree, a layered tree, a tree view, a vertical tree and a GOMiner tree.
* export the selected entity list to a file
* export the display orientation of the tree
* get analysis data
Get the number of times each entity has been annotated as well as number of organisms to which each entity is annotated
* get browser status of each node
Get the browser status of each node, which is the status of the node to which the mouse pointer is currently hovering (in progress, loading, etc.); this information can be used to

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DYNGO is a front end to the Web-based BioMart Database and an easy-to-use tool for browsing and searching Thesaurus terms. dynGO is built on top of R (a general-purpose language for statistical computing and graphics) and allows users to do all sorts of things, from standard querying to cutting-edge distributed computation.


DYNGO uses the power of R to provide a variety of functionality. It is not intended to be a powerful tool for complex calculations, but a straightforward tool that brings together a number of useful services. Unlike most other similar interfaces, DYNGO is also a tree browser, which means that in addition to looking at data in tabular format, users can use it to browse the data in a format familiar to GO and other Thesaurus users.
DYNGO uses R both for traditional statistical analyses and for drawing graphs using its rich graphics capabilities. Once R is running on the users machine, they can do complex data analyses in a standard text editor (IDE and emacs are supported).

Current Features

The main feature of DYNGO is the use of the R language. For data analysis, R provides numerous powerful tools, such as graphics, database access, statistical calculation, and the ability to load data from text files. DYNGO provides users with these tools and the graphical interface for R. DYNGO can be used to do many of the same things that can be done in R. However, DYNGO uses a different graphical interface than R. This provides a more user-friendly environment and a simple way to handle all the parameters needed to do the same thing with R.
The ability to launch R into a text interface allows users to run any computationally intensive code on a user’s computer. DYNGO’s R support also enables users to save data to disk, input data from text files, manipulate data, add R functions to custom scripts, and do much more. Once R is run, the results can be viewed graphically in DYNGO by adding a series of commands to a script. These commands are included in R’s graphical interface, making the process very easy and convenient.

See also
GO Term Explorer


External links
DYNGO home page

Category:Biological databases
Category:Gene ontology
Category:Free bio

DynGO Crack + With Registration Code Download

The DynGO program allows gene enrichment analysis. The program provides a simple method of navigating the Gene Ontology (GO) database to perform gene enrichment analysis. This program is useful as a fast and easy tool for the mapping and enrichment analysis of gene sets generated from high-throughput genomic assays.

DYNGO uses GO annotations of mouse, human and zebrafish gene products in mouse, human and zebrafish databases (Mouse Genome Informatics, Ensembl and ZFIN), and enables comparisons of three organisms.
DYNGO does not require a one to one correspondence between genes and genes in different databases.


Category:Bioinformatics softwareQ:

When does Newton’s 3rd law apply?

I can imagine 1 body to 2 other bodies where only 1 will be at a distance from other than infinity. However, how does the third body know that there is no force between other two bodies? I can image that the 3rd body can have gravitational force on itself which will be equal or opposite to the gravitational forces of bodies 1 and 2.


The third body does not “know” that there is no force between bodies 1 and 2 – in fact, that’s exactly what it is doing. It’s the first body that tells it there is a force, the second body that tells it there is a force, and so on. The second body tells it there is a force because it experiences a force in that direction. The first body tells it there is a force because its position depends on the position of the second body and there is no force on the second body. So it tells it there is a force – that’s an as yet unproven statement, but you don’t have to prove it.
You suggest that the third body has no force on itself, yet you could define a force in its own frame of reference, which would take the form of a force on the third body of $-m_2m_3/r^2$. If you ignore the relativity, it would mean that in this frame of reference the third body experiences a force of $-1 \cdot 1\cdot 1/r^2=1/r^2$.
But you should never say that something is either right or wrong – rather, you need to understand how it works, and how it works might not be what you’d expect. There’s no “nice” way to explain this to

What’s New in the DynGO?

DYNGO is a Dynamic Tree Viewer and GO Annotator and can be used as a stand-alone tool
DYNGO is compatible with Microsoft Windows operating system, like Windows 2000 and above
DYNGO can be loaded directly from your Microsoft Windows registry. All necessary data about GO Annotation file can be saved on disk, then loaded on next startup, without editing registry
DYNGO allows you to view the GO Anotation in either the Abstract or the Full form, you can even modify the view
DYNGO supports single, double and triple click event ( to select all/
multiple GO Annotation)
DYNGO supports GOA: Annotation Downloader which provides you a more convenient way to download GO Anotation by default, the GOA: Annotation Downloader accepts both the FTP and HTTP address and will follow the redirection instructions
DYNGO supports GOA: Annotation Loader which allows users to easily load GOA File, the GOA: Annotation Loader accepts both the FTP and HTTP address and will follow the redirection instructions, this is a modified version of the GOA: Annotation Loader provided by default on the official GO website
DYNGO allows you to modify the view of GO Full and GO Abstract ( and support Color highlighting)
DYNGO can automatically detect the GO id using the GOA file id ( the id starts with “GO:” ) and uses this automatically for searching.
DYNGO can automatically download GOA File (load and save on disk)
DYNGO supports EBI / ArrayExpress Data formats
DYNGO can dynamically load a list of Entities and retrieve the corresponding GO annotations (support wildcards for sorting)
DYNGO supports filtering by GO_ID, Entities, GO_Datatype, GO_Terms, GO_Function
DYNGO supports sorting for the GO_Datatype, GO_Terms, and GO_Functions
DYNGO supports ROA ( reverse annotation ) ( based on the GOA file)
DYNGO is easy to install and configure ( fully automated installation)
DYNGO can be integrated into your Bioconductor or Biopython environment
DYNGO is based on the Biopython module of python ( you will get more compatible and reliable output)
DYNGO uses only a small amount

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 64-bit or macOS High Sierra (macOS 10.12.5)
Processor: Intel Core i5-3360 / AMD FX-6350
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: 2 GB VRAM
Hard Drive: 14 GB
DirectX: 11
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K / AMD Ryzen 7 1800X
Memory: 12 GB RAM
Graphics: 4 GB VR

